Hey all,
Our next meeting will be January 11th at 7pm in FG Library.We made some important decisions at our last meeting so here are those meeting minutes:
•Breaking till January
•we have decided to write a Christmas compilation with Christmas Love stories and some spooky elements are definitely an option
•James taught what editors pet peeves are. (It was so great and full of satire- I’ll post a pic of his handout)
•Homer read a nice Christmas story.
Here is a timeline of events if you would like to be part of the Christmas Book for 2022:
•January we will be asking for submission commitments
• February - you better get writing!
• March - you have to be done with your story.
• End of March to mid April - all stories read with good feedback.
• Mid/End of April - everyone should have have feedback and redraft has to be done by May 1st.
• May and June - all copy edits done.
• The last week of June and first week in July to respond to copy edits.
• All of July - formatting and the cover.
• August - wrap stuff up and order books.
• September 1 - launch!
> It’s our monthly meeting tomorrow or today (whenever you’re reading this) Tuesday November 9 at 7pm at the library in Ft. Green. James is teaching and I think Someone is sharing but my notes from last meeting are a little unclear about that - so come and find out who it is with me!
> We also need to decide the theme for the next anthology!
> As for the meeting minutes from last month, I’m just going to have to copy and paste my chicken scratch here because I don’t have time to make it perfect and super easy to read. I’m sorry! I’ll do better next time I swear!
> October Meeting Minutes:
> Twitter is up to 3200 followers
> Tony Larsen - participating in anthology.
> She has series and stand alone books and is working on new series.
> 800 Facebook followers
> 82 Instagram followers
> Website is looking fantastic! More author profiles are up!
> The anthology is officially on and new authors have joined the team!
> Miscellany II - Book cover with a close up of a cottage door - sections/parts within the book to separate genres a little better.
> Authors, editing, stories.
> Next anthology theme decided in November. Brainstorming.
> Social Media short story series. Or excerpt from a story we can link to.
> Assign 2 people per month.
> •••Lawrence, Ray, Homer and Marla for November and December - do we have any thanksgiving or Christmas stories out there???
> November - sharing
> ——— James is teaching.
> ********Goals:
> Marla - Marshmallow the cat

> Homer - write a new story to be read next month.
> James - write one chapter.
> Lawrence - write a chapter.
> Natalie- story board the octopus
> Toney- romance novella cover and layout, 3rd fantasy final touches, non fiction to edit. Finish two short stories.
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