June 30, 2020 6:30 p.m. Google Meet meet.google.com/ngd-ppvw-grm 1. Welcome 2. Review of meeting minutes from June 16 3. Contracts: Boring publishing stuff The contract between Word Addicts, represented by Allison, and Anderson Publishing: Paperback, ebook, and possibly other media. Contract may be amended by email communication between Word Addicts and Anderson Publishing. James Mitchell will represent Anderson Publishing and ___________ shall represent Word Addicts. If any writer has infringed on copyright law with regard to the Work, Anderson Publishing will seek legal guidance, which may result in litigation against said Author. Because the Publisher, Anderson Publishing LLC, is earning no money per this agreement, the Publisher bears no legal responsibility beyond creating and maintaining publishing files and paying out royalties. Publisher maintains publishing rights to the stories for 12 months. Copyright does not belong to the publisher. After the 12 month period has en