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Showing posts from March, 2020

March 2020 Agenda

March 10, 2020 6:30 P.M. At the Fountain Green General Store, 84 S. State Street ASSIGNMENTS DUE: Rough drafts for the 2020 anthology are due Short bio is due for each group member NOTE: If you haven't prepared a rough draft for this year's anthology, PLEASE COME!  There is a lot to learn and a lot to do if you want to write. You can be writing stories for online content, or articles, essays, whatever you like.  So please come! 1. Welcome 2. Orders of business:  February meeting minutes. Bios are due Hard cutoff on the anthology submissions are tonight. 3. Planning Meeting.   Logo New Mission Statement Assign editors/critics for biographies.  Bios need to be fun, a little out there, 3-4 sentences and full of energy. Photos: Decide on day/clothing/background James's proposal:  Day: Not day! Midnight. With candles. Clothing: 16th Century Dutch business casual Background: That scene from  The Shining  with Jack sitting in the snow, frozen