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Showing posts from August, 2020

Meeting To Discuss Expansion To Non-local Members

We held a special meeting tonight due to the fact that several non-local writers have expressed interest in joining Word Addicts.  Word Addicts was formed in 2015 when Allison Brown asked a few friends to get together and talk about writing.  Two years later we released our first anthology, and we continued to meet monthly. We released a second anthology in 2018.  In late 2019 and early 2020 we reorganized, took on the name Word Addicts, created a website and blog, began a social media campaign. Until now we've been a local group living within a few miles of each other.  Tonight we held a meeting to address how we might expand as a group. We are excited to expand this way. We want to partner with writers everywhere and learn from them, benefit from their knowledge and talents, and enjoy our mutual support.   What do we currently offer members: Opportunities to give and receive feedback on writing. Once-monthly video conferences to discuss writing, receive training, etc... Opportu

August 11, 2020 Meeting Notes

August 11, 2020 6:30 PM Google Meet 1. Welcome 2. Last meeting minutes 3. Wrap-up of first week sales, and where to go from here. Open the post:   https://bulletins.wordaddicts. org/2020/08/first-week-wrap- up-miscellany.htm l 4. What's next for Word Addicts? The discussion resulted in the following decisions: For our regular, ongoing, monthly meetings we are going to write and critique. We came up with a basic structure for how this will work.  We'll see how it goes.  On a rotating schedule, we will take turns partnering with other team members. James will create the schedule and put it on the bulletins blog. These pairs will share portions of their current writing projects with each other.  They will edit each other and provide positive and constructive feedback. Writers will consider the edit recommendations of their teammate. At the next meeting, each pair will report on what they learned. I would like concrete things, such as, "I realize I use the word 'the' w

First Week Wrap-up - Miscellany

In our first week we sold 52 copies of the eBook and 8 copies of the paperback.  I am only including eBook sales in this report, as this is the version we're marketing at the moment. During this week, we reached as high as #52 on the American Anthologies Bestseller chart, which is pretty darn good. There are a surprising number of these books, in the thousands.  So #52? I'll take it. Of the copies sold: 12 were copies redeemed by pre-readers, and were given for free. 5 were copies that I gave away for free to 3 family members and 2 other friends. I assume the remaining 35 copies were legitimate sales. Consider The Following I don't know what personal efforts were made, but I looked at everyone's social media accounts and made an effort to figure out what goes into selling 35 copies of our book.  Here's what I found: 8 posts on personal Facebook pages. 2 active on Twitter with 4 different accounts, including the Word Addicts Twitter account. Several retweets and a fe