We had a good meeting, shared great info from our Critiques. Natalie's critique was a real blessing! News From The Meeting 1. Critiques: To avoid assigning people who may not want to participate, I'll be sending an email asking people to sign up for critiques if they are interested in receiving feedback from another Word Addict. 2. Assignment: Jenna and Cortney have decided on a group messaging system that will meet all our needs. They will present it to us at our next meeting. 3. Assignment: We'll make sure our logo is maintained across platforms so people can identify our group from among other pages with similar names. 4. Word Addicts Marketing: Amy J, Amy S and Cortney will be asked to discuss what kinds of books we will and will not officially market under our logo and accounts. Language, sexual content, political, religious, etc...should all be part of the discussion.